Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Welcome And Pink Grapefruit For All

Hello fellow fans of food and drink, as well as those reading this just because they know me.

Welcome to my blog where I'll be writing about food and drink that fall under the category of "It may not be new but it's new to me and it is delicious." Being the crazed foodie that I am, I will volunteer my opinions on delicious and worth-trying foods and drinks so I can make you do so as well. But it's because I love you that I want you to try them too!

If you are like me, you usually don't find yourself saying, "Boy, I'm in the mood for something yummy. I think I'll have a yogurt." However I think I found a yogurt that fits that bill. Emmi's Pink Grapefruit yogurt is amazing. It tastes fresh, has the perfect blend of tartness and sweetness along with smatterings of pink grapefruit pulp but not overdone. Very creamy and a taste sensation. Makes me want to try the other varieties of this Swiss company's offerings. (Emmi also makes apricot, blueberry and black cherry yogurt, among others.) I'll tell you one thing: I can't wait to get more of these babies and I'm not a big "plain" yogurt fan (I prefer Oreo crumbles and Reese's pieces in mine!). Available at such places as Whole Foods, Food Emporium, Gristede's, Garden of Eden and Trader Joe's, I bought mine at the wonderful East Village Cheese in NYC on Third Avenue between 9th and 10th Streets. Emmi's was priced at $1.69 per yogurt at the shop.*

*update: Dean & DeLuca on Prince St. and Broadway has Emmi's yogurts for $1.50.

Here's the link to the Emmi site (click on the yogurt link at the top):

Thanks for reading!

Questions, comments are welcome.

A side note: I want to thank my good friends Christine, Rosella and Ellie, along with my sister Susan, who prodded me into doing this blog. After all, some of the above-mentioned have been dragged to shops time and time again while I wander apparently aimlessly (I really am looking) while trying to spot the hard-to-find gem amongst the mundane. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Theresa, you were not kidding about this pink grapefruit yogurt. At first I thought, "Citrus fruit in a yogurt? Ew." But then I tried it and what a flavor extravaganza it is! I'm instantly addicted. Thanks, Theresa!